Just a reminder to growers we are ready and available to address your soil testing needs. The list is growing, and as usual in the fall, timeliness is challenging.  We are completely confident in sampling fields as soon as the combine pulls off if need be.

For Clarification, we would like to point out to growers that our recommendations for crop nutrition are influenced by a number of factors:

1.     The raw data:  this is where a “calculated” recommendation comes from,  This is driven by target yield, and existing soil Nutrient levels.  This includes “Ammonium” nitrogen in the sample.  This form of nutrient is not extracted in any other standard soil test in the industry.

2.    Fertilizer toxicity constraints:  Seedlings are sensitive to Excessive fertilizer placement.  In our recommendations, you will see advice as to how far to push the limits in seed-placed blends, and look to alternative ways to fertilize the crop, either by deep-banding, broadcasting, dribble-banding, or foliar applications.

3.    Your fertilization “habits” and tools: This takes into account your personal infrastructure on the farm.  Spreaders, knives versus shovels,  Side band openers, or a dribble-banding unit all have an impact on a starter blend recommendation.  Growers’ tendencies to spray herbicides and/or fungicides can also be exploited as an opportunity to apply foliar nutrition.  Ideally, however, these applications are best confirmed by an in-season tissue sample, which we are capable of taking care of for you.

Our samples are taken by hand.  The manual probe is far and away the best practice in soil sampling, ensuring the samples are accurately measured as 0-6 and 6-12 inch depths, while at the same time giving the opportunity to visually inspect each core for consistency before it becomes part of the overall sample.

As we put very specific care an attention into our sampling techniques, our pricing system reflects the time invested in it:

Our standard two-depth sample, having a few extra tests added to complete the soil profile picture, costs $100 in laboratory and Transit fees.  For time and fuel, the Sampling Process is and additional $50,  and the personalized Recommendation based on the three parameters above is an additional $50.

The total cost of a one-field, one-crop, soil sample is $200, plus applicable taxes.  Those who have used our services in the past have been satisfied, and seem comfortable in the conclusion it is worth the extra money.

I have attached a sample of what growers receive by e-mail, as a customer of our soil sampling services.

Sample Farm Analysis
Sample Farm Blend

– Pat Toner